Semua berawal dari chatting tengah malam dengan mas Philips. Waktu itu saya iseng-iseng nanya 5 lagu paling romantis menurut seorang Philips Vermonte. Jadilah kami bertukar 5 list lagu paling romantis menurut kami. Mas Philips menyebutkan beberapa lagu macam Let's Get It On-nya Marvin Gaye, Disarm-nya Smashing Pumpkins, hingga Stephanie Says-nya Velvet Underground.
Ini dia 5 list lagu paling romantis menurut saya:
1. Marvin Gaye - Let's Get It On

We're all sensitive people
With so much to give
Understand me, sugar
Since we got to be
Let's live
I love you
There's nothin' wrong
With me lovin' you
Baby, no, no
And givin' yourself to me can never be wrong
If the love is true
Oh, babe, ooh, ooh
Don't you know
How sweet and wonderful life can be?
I'm askin' you, baby
To get it on with me
Ooh, ooh, ooh
2. Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight

It's late in the evening
She's wondering what clothes to wear
She puts on her make up
And brushes her long blond hair
And then she asks me
Do I look alright
And I say yes, you look wonderful tonight
We go to a party
And everyone turns to see
This beautiful lady
That's walking around with me
And then she asks me
Do you feel alright
And I say yes, I feel wonderful tonight
I feel wonderful
Because I see the love light in your eyes
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don't realize
How much I love you
3. Sade - By Your Side

You think I'd leave your side baby?
You know me better than that
You think I'd leave down when your down on your knees?
I wouldn't do that
I'll do you right when your wrong
I-----ohhh, ohhh
If only you could see into me
oh, when your cold
I'll be there to hold you tight to me
When your on the outside baby and you can't get in
I will show you, your so much better than you know
When your lost, when your alone and you can't get back again
I will find you darling I'll bring you home
If you want to cry
I am here to dry your eyes
and in no time you'll be fine
4. Sinead O Connor - Nothing Compares 2 You

It's been seven hours and fifteen days
Since u took your love away
I go out every night and sleep all day
Since you took your love away
Since you been gone I can do whatever I want
I can see whomever I choose
I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant
But nothing
I said nothing can take away these blues
'Cause nothing compares
Nothing compares to you
It's been so lonely without you here
Like a bird without a song
Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling
Tell me baby where did I go wrong
I could put my arms around every boy I see
But they'd only remind me of you
I went to the doctor and guess what he told me
Guess what he told me
He said girl you better have fun
No matter what you do
But he's a fool
I know that living with you baby was sometimes hard
But I'm willing to give it another try
5. Chantal Kreviazuk - Leaving on a Jet Plane

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing
Every place I go, I think of you
Every song I sing, I sing for you
When I come back I'll wear your wedding ring
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go
Now the time has come to leave you
One more time, oh, let me kiss you
And close your eyes and I'll be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times that I won't have to say ...
1,3,5 oke. 2,4 belom pernah denger, donlot sik :)
BalasHapussaya suka yang terakhir mas,
BalasHapusmembuat saya bener ndak pengen kehilangan kekasih saya yang pergi naek bis. lho?
@ayos: what?! belum pernah mendengarkan wonderful tonight? segera minta ampun sama tuhan sebelum dilaknat...
BalasHapus@hilmy: hehehe, lagu itu memang enak :p ayo kamu bikin daftarmu :)
saya bikin tandingan!
BalasHapus5 songs to suicide; a guide for brokenhearted!
5 lagu patah hati paling jos menurut saya. :)
hai, mas Nuran!
BalasHapuskomen di lagu nomor tiga, bener banget mas.
saya sudah membuktikannya. hahaha.
ampuh tu lagu.
seampuh Yellownya Coldpay ;p
@dhani: tampangmu pancen tampang patah hati cuk...
BalasHapus@hanie: wah, suka merayu juga nih? ternyata merayu bukan hanya jadi monopoli kaum lelaki ya :)
ngerti nomor 2 dan 5, laine nyedot dulu:D
BalasHapustips yang bagus di komentar lagunya Chantal, hehe kapan-kapan pas dolan tak praktekno:D
merayu kan tidak berjenis kelamin, mas..
Suka sekali posting ini :)
BalasHapusBikin yang Indonesia dong......
BalasHapusdulu, duluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu sekali, di beberapa kehidupan gw sebelumnya, waktu gw belom jadi Yang Maha Esa (tertakdir untuk berakhir jomblo maksudnya, nemenin Tuhan), ada cowok khilaf nyanyi Wonderful Tonight sepenuh jiwa pake gitar depan gw. dan gw malah tidur.